
Streamlime your wardrobe and your everyday dressing routine. Our clothes will help your save time and money, while getting your clothes to go the distance. IDENTIFY YOUR STYLES!! Dress for your lifestyle — not someone else’s. Knowing what looks good on you and what doesn’t will save you time when dressing and shopping. Get expert advice from a personal shopper (they're often complimentary) DON'T BE AFRAID TO EMBRACE TEES....!! And you can never have enough good t-shirts to dress up and down, wear alone or layer on. Find a style you like, stick with it and buy multiples in various colors and shapes (one for every day of the week).

23 March 2010

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1 comment:

Aksirahib Decastrato said...

Sebarang pertanyaan dan kemusykilan tentang produk keluaran kami anda boleh menghubungi kami melalui email nzmgemilangtrading@yahoo.com atau hubungi talian dibawah:

Naz (013 381 1124)
Hasnul (013 292 1050)
Amir (012 635 1357)


If you receive a damaged, defective or incorrect product, please immidiately inform us within seven (7) days, we will send a replacement, credit your account or allow you to choose an alternate product. No returns shall be accepted after seven (7) days. All returns must comply with the standard return procedure.
All returned items must be in original shipped/purchased condition. Items can be shipped or returned by hand, whichever faster and convenient. Please return all products in its original packaging and include all contents, including any paperwork that may have accompanied your shipment. Any items received incomplete will result in a delay or partial refund. Types of damage or missing items that will affect your refund include: original packaging, damaged or worn products, noticeable cuts, tears, or stains, or product alterations.